Wednesday, 27 August 2014

The Greatest Teachers

Just what can a horse teach you?

Well, they can teach you infinite lessons, you just have to sharpen your senses and pay very close attention to them.

They speak very loudly if you know how to listen.  

They have taught me to watch and listen closely as far more is said by what is not actually verbalized.  Because horses are very subtle creatures you have to rely on viewing the smallest of gestures and movements that they use to communicate.

It has also taught me to be more aware of the subtleties of human body language as well, not only in the message that I convey to the horse or other people but also to the messages that I receive from the people around me.

So much is said in the world by what is not said.

I am still learning so much each and every day that I am with these magnificent animals.  They are the most amazing teachers.

In working with so many different horses, you have to learn how each of them communicate.  Although similar they do have subtle differences between them.  I rely on my intuition when I work with them as well and it is a great tool.

They have taught me to let go of my day, and just be present.  You can't work with a flight animal when you are all tense and worried about something else. They will feed off of you and you will open yourself up to injury simply because your edginess will be passed on to them.  

They have taught me that you can't win a fight with someone who outweighs you by 1,000 LBS.  If they want to win, they will win.  Instead you need to respect them and in turn teach them to respect you. 

Many horses are disrespectful, pushing themselves into your space, turning their rump toward you or in some cases completely ignoring your presence which can be very dangerous.  It is vitally important to remind them that they must stay out of your space unless you invite them in.  And in that vein, when you are working with a horse, your full attention should be on the horse, not on everything else that is going on around you.  Your safety depends on it because horses are very reactive and should something frighten them, their first instinct is to flee.  If you are busy texting someone or daydreaming, you may be laying under a set of hooves.

They have taught me to be more compassionate and to recognize the subtle signs when they are not okay.  They hide their pain and discomfort unless it is really severe.  I check in with my horses before a ride to see if they are acting normal.  There are days as well, where they are in a mood that is not conducive to going for a ride.  If you disregard the signs, there is usually an issue or a wreck coming.  I know that every time I have disregarded my horse's signs, I have paid in one way or another.  

It has made a huge difference in my life.  This body awareness has transformed who I am out in the world and in my everyday life. 

And many people say it's just a hobby...  

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