Friday, 4 July 2014

A Magical Connection

What is it about the soul of a horse that leads us to a place of peace?

Whenever something is troubling me, w
hat is the first thing that I turn to for comfort? My horses.  I don't need to speak or put on a brave face when I am with them.

They seem to sense my sorrow and they become a comforting, quiet and soothing presence.  They keep me grounded.

I can be open, authentic and present in their company.

I feel such strength in my connection with them and it is only getting stronger with time. This is why I am planning my business around them.  They are the medium by which I want to convey a very important message.  They don't care if you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.  All they care about is who you are being when you are in their presence.  We are all equal in their eyes.

I have started interacting with them in a very different way lately and to my surprise, their reaction is so incredible.  

I will go out and spend time with them out in the pasture, sitting quietly in the grass, observing them as they act like horses.  I don't force my presence upon them--I am only there as an observer.

What I have noticed is the second that I am down low and vulnerable with them, they are very interested in being in my presence.  I am not at all threatening in this pose.  They could stomp me to death if they wished.  

They are very curious creatures so when there is something different they come to see what I am doing, thoroughly giving me the once over. Some of them choose to place their head at my level and gently rest it against me. Others nibble at my clothing and hair. Some of them will graze in a circle around me, even going so far as to eat right up against, my feet, legs or back.  One other peculiar thing they will do is they will rest up against me, their legs touching my body.

I don't ever recommend that anyone try this.  I have over 40 years experience with horse and I am fully aware of the dangers of what I am doing, plus I have worked with this herd for 10 years and have raised a few of them from birth.  I only sit on the ground if there is one horse near as when others show up, they tend to fight and that is when a person can get hurt very badly.   I have the scars to prove it.  

The horses seem to sense my calmness and peaceful demeanour of late and are responding to me in beautiful ways.

Cleo, my special mare, who loves her food will stop eating every so often and turn just to gently press her velvety nose against me and give me a soft and gentle look.  

Jacob saw me in the pasture yesterday and trotted across the field to be with me.  I had trouble catching him a year ago and now he just wants to spend some time around me. What an amazing difference.  It is something indescribable when a horse gives you their trust.

I am not certain that I can fully begin to express what this connection is like.  I can only say that it borders on the spiritual as they are subtle, non-verbal communicators who can read the slightest signals from our body language.  When you can begin to listen, really listen to them, and by that I mean read their subtle body cues, then the magic begins.

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