After extensive chiropractic, massage therapy and even acupuncture, I am still here to be a spokes horse for all other horses who are not perfect.
The lady whose heart I own has been with me since I was born and although she didn't belong to me, my first mom gave her to me as a gift when I was two years old. I love and trust this lady with all of my heart and she is very bonded to me. She found me when I was injured and stayed by my side through all of the therapies and massaged my wounded neck even when I didn't like it. Somehow I knew that she was here to help me and I trust her.
I am a pretty dun color and have a white face, a white patch on my belly, and one white sock. I am a very stocky and pretty girl. I may look at you a little crooked but that is part of my appeal.
I am a very gentle soul and tend to get bullied by other horses because I am special. I have a very rare personality and innate kindness that draws people to me.
I have a calmness that attracts humans to me. Even people who are afraid of horses like me. I like to be hugged and quite often will rest my face against my lady's face.
Many people would have disposed of me but my lady and a few others believed in me. I let my lady ride me and she is teaching me to mostly be ridden with legs and almost no hands. I don't get ridden much but I like exploring out on the trails. I trust my lady so I don't get scared when I see new things.
I will be talking about various horse related issues that enter my mind and my lady will write about them for me. I hope you enjoy my blog and maybe you will learn something too.
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